Parking Structure Cost Outlook For 2022

In-Depth Economic Forecast & Parking Structure Construction Cost Study

WGI's parking experts analyzed data from hundreds of completed parking structure projects of varying size, scope, and geographic location to generate this annual report. Our experts maintain this database to provide our clients and the industry with detailed construction cost information and forecasting that will be crucial to any developer planning a parking structure project in 2022 or beyond.

Parking Construction Cost Outlook Download
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Overcoming Challenges

Skilled and unskilled labor shortages, tariffs, shipping bottlenecks, and strained international trade relations continue to plague the construction industry in 2023, leading to widespread slowdowns in new construction starts across the country. Rising interest rates and fuel prices have only added to those challenges...   

It is vitally important to understand thee challenges facing our industry when planning any construction projects in 2023. That's where we come in!

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WGI has specialized in parking structure planning and design since 1983, and our Annual Parking Structure Construction Cost Report provides an important planning tool for owners, contractors, and design teams across the nation. Our construction cost database contains hundreds of completed parking structure projects of varying size, scope, and geographic location. 

Download our study and unlock the latest in-depth economic forecast for 2022 and discover the answers to important questions such as:

  • How much does it cost to build a parking garage in 2022?

  • Does geography play a role in parking garage cost?

  • What are cost drivers, and how do they impact the costs when building a parking structure?

  • How will inflation and infrastructure spending affect the cost to build a garage?

  • And much more...


Download the 2022 cost study today!